Friday, June 21, 2013

In Defense of Taiwanese girls

So, I read this web page and it really made me mad the way they were criticizing Taiwanese girls.  There are so many things wrong with the things they said there that I hardly know where to start.  But, looking at it carefully, I think the whole thing is fake anyway.  At the very least, it was put on the ck101 website by someone (most likely a Taiwanese guy) that was trying to install racial hatred against foreigners.

Why do I think it is fake, you ask?  Well, you have some guy that is supposedly an American Born Chinese (ABC) spouting a bunch of really horrible things about Taiwanese girls.  But, he posts a bunch of pictures of white guys with Taiwanese girls.  Why would he do this?  It makes no sense.  Why would he post a bunch of pictures of Taiwanese girls with other random white guys? On the other hand, if he was just trying to stir up some anti-foreigner sentiment, then he would just be putting up pictures to try to make Taiwanese girls reading it be pissed off at foreigners.  Venus says that probably the words in the article itself were taken from some BBS posting or something, and the pictures were added just to this web site by someone else.  If so, then then we have something put together for reasons of promoting racism quoting unnamed sources without attribution and trying to make it look like it it was put there by foreigners.        

Anyway, it still conveys some pretty negative stereotypes about Taiwanese girls.  So, let me address those.  For example:

"Yes the long eyelashed and legs empty egg-shells are gold diggers, oozing superficial arrogance that would turn a sensible man like myself into a sexual vice animal against it."
If this was real, then he must not have met the same Taiwanese girls I have. Every country has a small subset of girls who are gold diggers.  I would imagine that given his less than charming personality, the only girls that would want to talk to him were the gold diggers.  The others would (hopefully) dismiss him as soon as conversation moved beyond the superficial.  This might come across as "superficial arrogance" I suppose.  I would call it "not wanting to date an asshole".  The only other thing that I can imagine would make someone think Taiwanese girls are superficial is their makeup. It turns out that girls in other countries tend to wear makeup more than girls in the US.  I don't think this is superficial.  It is just a minor cultural difference.

"As an Adult Business Teacher, i listen to a lot of answers to topic questions in my class. when the topic gets around to love and relationships you always hear TW Girls saying the same exact shit.... 'i want a guy who is tall, understands me, is responsible, etc'"
He goes on to say wanting someone to understand you is some sort of character flaw.  Personally, I think that is pretty universal.  For example here is a list of things girls should look for in a guy. #8 on the list is "He makes me happy & he understands me".  Almost all girls also want a guy who is responsible.  It is a mistake to assume that someone from a different culture can't understand you.  Besides, if someone wanted me to write an essay in Chinese about what I wanted in a relationship, you can guarantee that I will write the most basic and easily translatable stuff I can.  It is pretty likely that girls who are learning English have all sorts of ideas about their ideal guy that they can't really express in English.  Ultimately, most girls want a guy who loves them for some esoteric qualities of their personality and not just for their beauty.  

There is a bunch of other stuff on the web page that is super offensive that I won't even bother with.

The Truth About Taiwanese Girls

Taiwanese girls are just like girls everywhere else.  Though, if you want to compare them to American girls, there are a few differences. So, let me talk about a few things I have noticed.

In general, Taiwanese girls (and guys for that matter) are better educated than American girls.  Taiwan had this idea to build way too many colleges or something.  At one point like 90% of  the people who took the college entrance exam were accepted into college.  According to the US Government, 74% of Taiwanese 25 years old or older have a bachelor's degree or higher. In the US, only 28% of people 25 years old or older have a bachelor's degree or higher.

Taiwanese girls (and guys too) think their English is much worse than it is. I think it is just how they were raised.  One time, when Venus was a kid she got 98 out of 100 on a test.  She was very proud and told her mom. Her mom was not impressed at all because two other people in her class scored 100.  I think Taiwanese parents are very reluctant to give their kids credit.  Anyway, so you have a lot of Taiwanese girls that speak pretty good English, but are really scared about talking to people in English.
Taiwanese girls are a little more dependent on their parents.  They tend to live with their parents longer.  They tend to get married a little bit later.  In some cases, Taiwanese girls might listen to their parents a bit more than American girls.  

On average, Taiwanese girl are thinner than American girls.  I think this is related to how horrible our diet is here.  Almost all girls from Taiwan have dark hair and eyes and tan skin.  
So, in conclusion, Taiwanese girls are great. I don't know why anyone would think otherwise.  

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